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In the Mirror of Life

In the Mirror of Life

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Publicado porroylotus
Non-Dual Poems & Other Delights
Non-Dual Poems & Other Delights

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Published by: roylotus on Dec 02, 2009
Copyright:Attribution Non-commercial


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These poems were written between 1976 and 2009.Most of the poems written in the late 1970s and early1980s were previously included in two small booklets:‘Memories We Cherish’ and ‘Shadows & Reflections’.Whilst my feeling is to now exclude some of the poems,for various reasons, I have not done so, in order topreserve the complete set of poems for the 33 yearperiod between 1976 and 2009. After the early 1980s,however, I did not write so much poetry, which is whythere is very little in this collection beyond 1984.I have included, with each poem, the year of writing,which I feel it is relevant to take into account. Most of mypoems of the 1970s and 1980s were clearly influencedby my interest in the non-dual writings of J.Krishnamurti,Nisargadatta Maharaj and Jean Klein, in particular, aswell as the natural process of inner awakening. Morepoetic influences will have included Kahlil Gibran,Rabindranath Tagore, Shelley, Rumi, Omar Khayaamand Zen & Taoist Poetry.A number of people have requested that I make mypoems available, so here they are. Enjoy the ones thatresonate best with you, and perhaps forget those thatdon’t.
with warm greetings to all 
Roy WhenaryNovember 2009
All poems: Copyright (1976-2009) - Roy Whenary
(please quote book title & author name when copying or quoting particular poems)
01An Open Door(1976) 502Who Am I?(1976) 603An Old Photograph(1977) 704Fear and the Unknown(1977) 805I Am The Wall(1977) 906Men Of Vision(1977)1007Midnight In Winter(1977)1108Now(1977)1209A Tale Of Fiction(1978)1310At-One-Ment(1978)1411In Loving You Die(1978)1512Krishnamurti: The Early Days(1978)1613Memories We Cherish(1978)1714The Part And The Whole(1978)1815Beauty(1979)1916Searching For Light(1979)2017A Poet Never Dies(1980)2118As If From Heaven(1980)2219To Ask Is All(1980)2320We Are So Proud(1980)2421What Others Do(1980)2522Who But A Poet ?(1980)2623Between You And I(1981)2722He Who Thinks(1981)2823Idols Of Mystery(1981)2924No Questions, No Answers(1981)3025That Priestly Lot(1981)3126This Madness(1981)3227To Be Clear(1981)3328We Are Nothing(1981)3429What Is Love?(1981)3530You And I(1981)3631A Kind Of Yearning(1982)3732A Name Came(1982)38
33A Thing Of Change(1982)3934After The Dark(1982)4035Alone We Are Nothing(1982)4136Fame(1982)4237In The Mirror Of Life(1982)4338Meditation(1982)4439No Future In Lies(1982)4540Poetry Without Words(1982)4641Self Is An Image(1982)4742Shadows Of Our Sleep(1982)4843Silences And Spaces(1982)4944The Knot (1982)5045The Taste Of Flesh(1982)5146Two Worlds(1982)5247Walls(1982)5348Wound Up (1982)5449Not Doing Anything(1983)5550Look To The East(1984)5651Wave After Wave(1988)5752Lila(1993)5853Our Deeper Knowledge(1994)5954The Beloved(1995)6055Into The Fire Of Love(1995)6156What Is There ?(2005)6257Avebury: Moving With What Is(2009)63
AN OPEN DOOR (1976)Life hangsOn an open door,Whose framework is the pastAnd whose emptiness is ours to fillWith the wisdom of noble thoughtsOr the foolishness of pride,With wise encountersOr cowardly departures,With fully-savoured yearsOr half-lived moments of blindnessLife is thereBetween the kitchen,Where no one goes hungry,And the hallway -Through which pilgrims passOn their way to salvation.Life truly hangsOn an open door,But destiny is sealedWithin the framework of time
WHO AM I? (1976)In this vast immeasaurable oceanWho am I?In terms of all the people In this worldWho am I?Of all who ever livedWho am I?When death’s dark hand arrivesWho am I?And where am I?And who asks the question?
AN OLD PHOTOGRAPH (1977)Memories fadingIn a haze of time,Shadows smiling,People in their prime -The youth that livedOne time, so long ago,Who now are old or dead -What did they know?There they are,In captured stance -A moments whim,A pose, a glance,And ever more,From then, to beA moment in eternityPreserved,Alas for whom?
FEAR AND THE UNKNOWN (1977)Fear, I have known thee -Down the wooded path,With darkness all around,When I could not seeWhat there might beTo take me by surpriseDeath, almighty death -Why do we fear thee,Thee the dark unknown?Why do we fleeThe glorious woodsJust because darkness has come?
I AM THE WALL (1977)Vast, the unwinding roadUnwinds itself through me.Empty as a thousand dreams am I -Naked to the wind and skyVast, the universal lifePours out its love to all -Vibrant in each moment’s pause,It dashes against the wallFor ‘I’ am the wall that does not yield -The back that does not bend.I am the dreamer dreamingThat I began, and that I shall endI am the wallThat keeps out eternity
MEN OF VISION (1977)Silent they standWhilst all aroundThe world is soundingIts chaotic hymns.They who could tellAre left asideOf those who sellSo many childish dreamsMen of vision,Seers of truth,Like flowers growWhere weeds abound.They do not push themselvesTo fame,Nor with their fingersPoint the blameThey only standWith vision clear -DesirelessAnd free of fear,Uttering wordsThat we may hearIn gratitudeFor truthThat is so near
MIDNIGHT IN WINTER (1977)Fog hangs vaguely in the midnight air,Ducks in the distant waters ‘quack’From some dark region, cold and black -I know not whereStreetlights form a yellow haze,Dripping twigs cast silhouettes,With cobwebs mimicking fishermens’ nets,Whilst people lazeCreeping cats on garden walls,Footsteps passing briskly by -Into the night they fade and die,In search of no applause
NOW (1977)Live each momentIn the now,Or nowWill turn to never.Each fading hourOnly servesThe veins of lifeTo sever